First of Valley Shepherd Cheese Eaten

First cheese wedge of NJ cheese
First cheese wedge of NJ cheese

Jan 31, 2009: The NJ folks picked up the first 3 cheese wheels at Valley Shepherd Creamery from our Oct 19, 2008 cheesemaking class. The phone message said, “The cheese is yummy.” Cheese eating party to be planned down South. M said it had complex flavors.

cheese from feast!

We finally got a chance to stop by feast!, a cheese shop in Charlottesville, VA, and what a shop it was! The proprieter, Kate, was very knowledgeable and helpful on choosing the right cheese. We wanted local cheeses, and had the usual criteria: one brie/triple-cream, some sheep, and not much goat. Well, Kate certainly supplied us with what we wanted, and we ended up with this:

Delice de Bourgogne
milk: French cow
a very nice triple-creme cheese

Everona Piedmont
milk: Virginia cow

Meadow Creek Dairy
milk: Virginia sheep
Very smelly. Did not get better with age. Creamy texture.

milk: Virginia cow
type: similar to Tallegio
Yes, very much like Tallegio (very smelly). NA liked this a lot.

Roaring 40’s blue
milk: Austrailian cow

Angela & Ken’s B-day


We drove to Burlington for the January birthdays (Angela and Ken).  We stopped by Harris-Teeter, which has a good selection of cheese (for a grocery store), and got Manchego (of course), and a blue that we hadn’t seen before.

Angela gave me a “cookbook” for Christmas, The Home Creamery, by Kathy Farrell-Kingsley. It describes how to make butter from whole cream, which we did, and it was delicious!

Goat Brie
Angela got this at Brookville in Cleveland Park. It was a hit, and everyone (but me) liked it. Well, I thought it was very good for goat cheese(!).

Always a favorite.

Amish Blue
Actually it was from Wisconsin, but was a good blue.