after the Illini game

nov 3 cheese

We picked up the cheese from Ibo’s Cornucopia Deli in Bethesda, a great place to get cheese and Italian food items.

L’Edel de Celeron
milk: cow
region: France
type: soft

A very nice brie-style cheese that we all liked very much.

Asiago (DOP)
milk: cow
type: hard
region: Italy

Asiago, pronounced ah-SYAH-goh, cheese is a nutty flavored cheese that hails from Europe. It is named for a region in Italy where it was first produced. This region is known as the Asiago High Plateau, which lies within the Italian Alps. As far back as the year 1000 AD, Asiago cheese was produced by farmers in this region for use locally. Now, it is manufactured commercially in northeast Italy, specifically in the provinces of Vincenza e Trento, Padua, and in Treviso.